Thursday, September 7, 2017

Soybeans - September 2017

 As expected, soybeans topped in July. This is in line with our initial roadmap. There's a Gann's 14yrs cycle turning in September. This cycle could align with a secondary top leading into the October bottom.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Soybeans - June 2017

 Our previous post discussed a harmonic of Gann's 14 years cycles bottoming on late May 2017. On May 31st, 2017 soybeans made a 2-day swing bottom and has started to rally.

 Both a cycle and PTV analysis indicate that this could be a bottom from which prices could rally until, probably, July 2017. A one month rally.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Soybeans - May 2017

 This post discusses an important 14 years cycle harmonic due to turn in late May 2017. According to our studies, the market is currently in a bull market since March 2016. However, the market recently topped on January 2017 and since then the trend has been down. Our initial 2017 soybean roadmap rightly indicated a turning point in January, but we figured it would be a market bottom instead of a top.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Soybeans - February 2017

 Our initial soybeans roadmap for 2017 indicated the expectation of a bottom in January from which prices would rally, probably until the summer months. Prices bottomed on early January and rallied until the later part of the month.

 The current post shows harmonics of Gann's 14 years cycle and Cowan's 5.5 years cycle expected to turn during the latter part of February.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Soybean Market Cycle Analysis and Roadmap for 2017

 Using Gann's and Brad Cowan's cycle theory we analyzed the soybean market for the year 2017. Significant cycles are expected to turn during this year. The turn dates for these cycles are presented in this post together with a roadmap showing the possible market action during the year.

Friday, December 30, 2016

Friday, October 28, 2016

Update: Soybeans - October 2016

 This post updates the chart presented in our October 2016 post for soybeans after the October bottom. It also contains a chart showing major PTVs[1] in the cash soybean market.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Soybeans - October 2016

 This is our post for the month of October on soybeans. Both Gann's 14yrs and 30yrs cycle harmonics are due to turn between very late September and early October. There are a couple of PTVs[1] which have completed in the cash market as well.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Soybeans and grain update

 We apologize for the lack of updates in the blog in the last month. There hasn't been too much time for market analyses and blog posting.

 Gann's 84yrs cycle was due to turn in August 2016, at least initially. This cycle is expected to be a significant bottom from were prices should increase, perhaps for several years.

 Our projections on grains haven't been so accurate in the recent past. In this blog we present an update on the soybean market, Gann's 84yrs cycle and a commentary on wheat and corn.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Update: Wheat - July 2016

 This is a quick update on the wheat post we published a couple of days ago. With updated data for cash wheat, this post shows how some PTVs completed on the early July 2016 bottom.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Wheat - July 2016

 Just as with soybeans and corn, Gann's 84yrs cycle is due to turn during 2016 for the wheat market. This cycle is expected as a cycle bottom. In the case of wheat, the turning of this cycle may come a bit earlier than in other markets.

 This post discusses two cycles impacting prices for late June - early July 2016 in the wheat market as well as some PTV[1] analyses.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Soybeans - July 2016

 We don't have any short-term or middle-term cycles projected for the month of July. However a couple of major cycles with wide windows of tolerance fall during this month, namely Gann's 84yrs cycle and 30yrs cycle.

 According to our initial roadmap for the year 2016, we were expecting a top in the month of June, from which prices would decline into, probably, August.

 A large harmonic of Gann's 30yrs cycle may turn either on July or August. A secondary top on July is not something we completely rule out, as this is a seasonal high prices month. But we would like to see instead a major bottom on August from which prices would continue on their way up.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Update 2: Soybeans - June 2016

 Our previous post contained several VPP and PTV[1] projections for a June top in the soybean market. These were not as accurate as we would have liked, having an error of 20¢ in July soybean futures. However, it seems it is most likely that Gann's 20yrs cycle projected to turn in the first half of the month has aligned with a swing top.

 Other PTVs completed in both July and November soybean futures at the June 10th an 13th tops respectively. We are including them in this post. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Friday, June 3, 2016

Venezuelan Delegation Won ICC Moot Court Competition at the Hague

 The Venezuelan delegation of six law students from UCAB University that went to participate on the International Criminal Court (ICC) Moot Court Competition this June won 1st place today morning!

 After a series of preliminary rounds, the final of the competition was disputed between the teams of Argentina (Victims), Mexico (Fiduciary Fund) and Venezuela (Defense.) The Mexican team won 3rd place, while the Argentinian team was left 2nd and the Venezuelan team won first place. A especial award for best orator was given to one of the Argentinian participants.
Figure 1
Delegation of students from Universidad Católica Andrés Bello from Venezuela winners of the fourth edition of the Spanish version of the ICC Moot Court Competition

 Thanks again to all who helped make this victory possible!

 Ricardo Da Costa
 Grain Market Analysis

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Soybeans - June 2016

 The month of May was a disappointment. Except for the big up day on May 10, most of the month remained in a sideways motion.

 As presented in our 2016 soybean roadmap, there is a cycle due to turn in the first part of the month of June. According to seasonal behavior, after a March bottom prices will most likely rally up until June or July, aligning with the typical seasonal top months.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Update: Soybeans - May 2016

 Since March, soybean prices have been going up breaking all previous tops. This is a clear indication that the trend has changed. Up to this point, the market has been, more or less, following what we figured in our 2016 soybeans roadmap.

 This post updates a chart from a previous post which showed PTVs[1] defining up and down trends in the recent past. It also contains a new chart showing several PTVs related to the recent May 10, 2016 swing top.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Fund Raising Campaign for Venezuelan Law Students

 A delegation of six undergraduate law students from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB) in Caracas, Venezuela have been preparing for almost a year to participate in the Spanish edition of the International Criminal Court (ICC) Competition to be held this year in the Netherlands.

 They have started a campaign to raise funds to be able to afford their traveling expenses. There are more details on their page.

 They will be very grateful (as well as my person) for any contribution you may provide to help them.

 Next post: Venezuelan Delegation Won ICC Moot Court Competition at the Hague

Ricardo Da Costa
Grain Market Analysis

Monday, May 2, 2016

Soybeans - May 2016

 There are two cycles that could impact market action during the month of May 2016. Statistically, after a March bottom the market will most likely rally for three or four months until June or July tops. With that in mind, the month of May will probably have an acceleration bottom leading up to the summer tops.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Update: Soybeans - April 2016

 This post focuses on PTV[1] analysis of July soybean futures. There are different PTVs since October 2014 which lengths are related to the first Square of Twelve. Since then, several important turning points have been defined by these PTVs.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Soybeans - April 2016

 Due to time restrictions on our side our April roadmap for Soybeans is been published late, instead of the first days of the month. This is our April report for the soybean market. It includes a couple of cycle harmonics which added up to the current uptrend.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Update: Soybeans - March 2016

 This blog post is an update for our March soybean analysis. This update includes a cycle projection expected for late March - early April.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Soybeans - March 2016

 This post deals with our March 2016 soybeans roadmap. It mainly discusses the current bottom made on March 1st, including PTV[1] and cycle analysis.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

How to "Square your Chart" on CycleTimer

 In this blog post we explain a method how to "square your chart" and draw actual circles in price-time space using the CycleTimer software. This is important and useful when your work includes visual or graphical analysis.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Update: Soybeans - February 2016

 We are including a short update for our soybean market analysis of the month of February.
 The market has shown little activity during this month. We projected that Gann's 30yrs cycle was due to turn in February together with other less important cycles. Our analysis favors a market bottom during this time. This post includes the cycle projection for Gann's 30yrs and 20yrs cycles and a PTV[1] projection from 2012 that may have completed.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Soybeans - February 2016

 This is our commentary for soybeans on the month of February 2016. As mentioned in previous posts, Gann's 30 years cycle is due to turn during this month. There are other minor cycles turning during the whole length of this month.
 The 30 years cycle should be the main focus during this month. According to our 2016 soybean roadmap and seasonal trend, February is a good month for seasonal lows. One possibility is that a market low will align with Gann's 30 year cycle leading up to a June 2016 top.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Update: Soybeans - January 2016

 As mentioned in our previous post, this update for the month of January focuses on Gann's 30yrs cycle. 

 There is a small harmonic of this cycle turning in late January-early February. However, a larger harmonic of this same cycle, which is slightly time-shifted, is due to turn between early to late February. The period of this larger harmonic averages 7.5 years and it has aligned with very significant turning points since 1986.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Soybeans - January 2016

This is our January 2016 roadmap analysis for soybean market. It presents a couple of Gann's cycle harmonics together with a simple PTV[1] analysis. Additionally, Velocity Price Projections and Momentum analysis are included.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Soybean Market Cycle Analysis and Roadmap for 2016

 The soybean market is analyzed following Gann's and Brad Cowan's cycle theory. Very important cycles are projected to turn in the year 2016, particularly Gann's 84yrs cycle. The turn dates for these cycles are presented in this post together with a possible roadmap showing how the price action might develop during the year.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Soybeans Roadmap Recap for 2015

 As the year's end approaches, we are reviewing our initial soybean cycle analysis and roadmap for 2015. We present here a recapitulation of the cycles presented at the beginning of the year and how they impacted prices, including Gann's 45yrs, 20yrs and 14yrs harmonics. Our 2015 roadmap is updated to compare our initial projection with actual market behavior.